“The Patient’s Voice”
Providing an opportunity for you to have your say in how your GP Surgery develops and improves the services they offer you.
What is a Patient Participation Group?
Patients working with a practice to:
- Contribute to the continuous improvement of services
- Foster improved communication between the practice and its patients
- Help patients to take more responsibility for their health
- Provide practical support and help to implement change
We have also adopted a Terms of Reference.
Who are Townhead Surgery Patient Participation Group?
Townhead’s PPG is made up of patient or representative volunteers across the Townhead Surgeries catchment area, with a variety of interests around health.
- GP Rep: Dr Anna Woodhams
- Staff Rep: Practice Manager: Catherine Redford and Operations Manager: Kirsty Kilburn.
Meetings are normally held bi-monthly and we hold an Annual General Meeting once a year.
Meetings are held in person or can be via Teams.
Patient Participation Group Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the meetings are posted below and are also available to view in hard copy at the two Surgeries at Settle and Hellifield.
Minutes of the meetings
Chairman’s report
What can you do?
- Give us ideas
- Help to get us known to Townhead Patients
- Consider joining the PPG
If you would like to consider joining the PPG then please download and complete the application for membership form and either post or drop off at the Surgery FAO Kirsty Kilburn.
Submit your completed PDF form to us
What we can do?
- We can listen to people’s general experiences of using the Surgery and feed them back to the Practice
- We can raise the profile of the services available at the Practice and other local related health and support services by sharing information out into the community
- We can feed information into the Practice from the wider health services that affect Craven by attending WACA PPG Network Meetings and Craven Communities Together Partnership Meetings
- We can organise events such as Focus Groups targeted at particular Patient Groups.
- We can conduct surveys and questionnaires
What we cannot do?
- The PPG cannot handle complaints around clinical or staffing issues
- We do not have access to confidential patient information – the Practice website provides information on the Complaints Handling Process or by phoning the Surgery on 01729 822611
How you can contact us
To give us your feedback, please contact The PPG C/o Kirsty Kilburn in writing via post or hand delivery to:
BD24 9JA
Main Street
BD23 4JY